
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Fire Safety

Capital E Expreicene

Safety Lab Poster

We Should Not Listen To Music!

Should We Listen To Music While Working

Should we Listen to music while working?. In my opinion I think music should not be allowed because it can affect other people and it can affect you. Most people in my class listen to music and I can see that they are being distracted by changing the music, singing with headphones on in class without knowing, getting in the zone and dancing, making people lose their concentration.

 It is also hard for me to have Concentration because if there is someone next to me I can hear there music from there headphones and I may ask for them to turn it down but they just carry on. I love music but when it come to working I cant it makes my choke (Stop and lose concentration) and forget what I am writing for a few seconds. From now on I have not listened to music while working and I can Feel myself making a change apart from people chitty chatting.

As Evidence I have found it hard for me to work with music and with friends sitting near me they can not be capable listening to music and half of the time I see them staring into space.

As you can see I am against music and it is easier for me to have a quiet zone so if you agree with me try it out be in a quite area and test how much you can do without music.